
Any Rhode Island registered professional land surveyor active in the practice of land surveying is eligible to be a member upon recommendation of the membership committee. Members shall have the right to vote, hold office, and make or second motions.

Download our 2025 RISPLS MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION (includes NSPS membership)


Any Resident Rhode Island Registered Professional Land Surveyor or any Rhode Island Registered Professional Land Surveyor with an in State Business active in the practice of land surveying works is eligible to be a Member upon recommendation by the Membership Committee. Members shall have the right to vote, hold office and make or second motions.

A non-resident individual licensed to practice land surveying in the State of RI and/or at least in one other state, whose principal place of business is outside Rhode Island and who is a current voting member of another state’s land surveying society.
Affiliate Membership ————————— $150.00
Non-Resident Option to Join NSPS ——– $ 50.00
NSPS Membership Non-Resident Credit – $ 0.00

(Write in State Association where NSPS Dues paid)__________

Any individual engaged in land surveying and/or interested in the advancement of surveying and mapping not qualified under Section 1 may be eligible to be an Associate Member upon recommendation by the Membership Committee. This may include employees of another member. Associate Members shall have the right to vote, hold office and make or second motions
Associate Membership————————- $ 60.00
Option to Join NSPS for an additional—– $ 50.00

Any person enrolled in a course of study by an institution of higher learning, who has an interest in the profession of land surveying, is eligible for Student Membership. Persons admitted to this class of membership shall have neither the right to vote, hold office, nor make or second motions, but shall enjoy all other rights and privileges possessed by all other classes of membership.
Full Time Student Membership ————— $ 15.00
Option to join NSPS for an additional——–$ 20.00

Any RI Registered Professional Land Surveyor no longer active in the practice of land surveying and who has attained the age of 65 is eligible to be a Retired Member. A Retired Member shall have neither the right to vote, hold office nor make or second motions, but shall have all other rights and privileges possessed by other classes of membership.
Retired Membership ———————————-$ 20.00
Option to join NSPS for an additional ———–$ 50.00

Any professional firm actively engaged in the practice of land surveying and engineering in the State of RI is eligible for Corporate Membership upon recommendation by the Membership Committee. Corporate Members shall have neither the right to vote, hold office nor make or second motions, but shall enjoy all other rights and privileges processed by all other classes of membership. NOTE: Corporate Membership shall provide a reduction of $20 in fees for it’s employees’ dues, workshops and seminars. (cost of lunches will be excluded from this reduction)
Corp Membership — $325.00

Sustaining Members shall be limited to persons, firms or corporations engaged in the manufacture and/or distribution of items that promote the art and science or business of land surveying. The Membership Committee shall recommend persons, firms and corporations wishing to be admitted to this class of membership. Sustaining Members shall have neither the right to vote, hold office nor make or second motions, but shall enjoy all other rights and privileges processed by all other classes of membership. NOTE: Sustaining Membership shall provide a reduction of 20% on advertising costs in the Quarterly Newsletter, Annual Convention Program and Exhibition Space.
Sustaining Membership —- $225.00